Influenzato dal fotorealismo americano, Moradi sembra, perĂ², superarlo attingendo ad atmosfere surrealiste.
Dipinti dai colori vivaci si alternano a rappresentazioni in bianco e nero, che sembrano fotogrammi di una pellicola degli anni quaranta.
Ali Moradi – Nato nel 1986 a Tehran.
Ha studiato arti grafiche e ha iniziato a dedicarsi professionalmente alla pittura nel 2001.
We are pleased to present a series of paintings by the Persian artist Ali Moradi dedicated to the four wheels. Influenced by American photorealism, however, Moradi seems to overcome it by drawing on surrealist atmospheres. Brightly colored paintings alternate with black and white representations, which look like frames from a 1940s film.
Ali Moradi – Born in 1986 in Tehran.He studied graphic arts and began to devote himself professionally to painting in 2001.