Gavin Worth

Sketches in the air

Affascinato dal disegno, considerato nei secoli scorsi fondamento dell’arte stessa, Worth realizza dei veri e propri “disegni nello spazio”, avvalendosi del filo di ferro.

Opere scultoree “aeree” (per citare una delle sue fonti d’ispirazione – Alexander Calder -) , leggere , poetiche ed essenziali che raffigurano volti, mani, corpi, che si fondono così nell’ambiente circostante, assorbendo colori, superfici, e creando suggestivi giochi di ombre fino a sparire in un semplice tratto.

Profils à la silhouette” contemporanei che descrivono persone ed attimi di vita quotidiana, o riprendono un certo gusto art nouveau, dove la linee scivolano e si intrecciano in delicati ed eleganti arabeschi, formando catene di fiori e foglie che incorniciano i volti di giovani donne, in un’atmosfera sospesa tra presente e passato.

Fascinated by the drawing, the real art basis, Worth makeswith iron wiressome “sketches in the air”.

Aerial (quoting one of his sources of inspiration -– Alexander Calder -) , light and poetic sculptures that represent faces, hands, bodies that melt with the surrounding area, absorbing colors and surfaces and making shadows effects.

Contemporary “Profils à la silhouette” illustrating people and ordinary life moments; some sculptures are also inspired by the art nouveau, with flowers and leaves.


I was born in Zimbabwe, Africa in 1981 and grew up in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I have had a lifelong passion for drawing, painting, and sculpture since I first saw Michelangelo’s “Head of Leda” in a book in the library. I am self taught.

I’ve been very lucky to have a wide variety of experiences. I was commissioned by Tiffany & Co to make sculptures for their Valentine’s Day window displays globally. My work in sculpture and education led me to be a finalist for the 2014 TED Fellowship. Ralph Lauren asked me to brainstorm modern, engaging, and minimal sculptural jewelry displays for their stores. I have created and installed large-scale public sculptures all over the world. My work has been shown and collected internationally.

I recently lived in Cairo, Egypt for three years. I currently am living and working in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Nasce in Zimbabwe, nel 1981 e cresce a Las Cruces, in New Mexico. Ha sempre avuto una forte passione per il disegno, la pittura e la scultura, è autodidatta.

Ha avuto commissioni da Tiffany & Co e Ralph Lauren

Ha creato sculture monumentali in tutto il mondo ed esposto in diversi paesi.

Ha vissuto 3 anni al Cairo ed ora vive a Losanna.